Fall Calf Scramble Update From Amazing Spaces Calf Scramble Sponsees
Fall Update from Skye and Daisy

Since the end of summer and into the fall, Skye has kept busy taking Daisy to multiple shows. In every single show, Daisy has placed between first to third and she just keeps getting better! Daisy’s biggest adventure was being showed by Skye at the state fair. According to Skye, Daisy did an “amazing job”. Daisy continues to exceed Skye’s expectations and we’re so thrilled for the both of them!
Fall Update from Ty and Big Mama

Ty and Big Mama finished out their summer by attending a couple shows back to back. Big Mama had her work cut out for her with these hectic shows, but she proved her strength as she powered through them. Ty and Big Mama had big plans in September! They will attend one show and afterward, Big Mama will be taken to her first home at Schulte’s farm to be bred! Big Mama earned second place at the show and the remainder of September provided to be calm and quiet as Big Mama was at the breeder.
While Big Mama is being bred, Ty is keeping busy. He purchased his lamb that he plans to show at the Houston Livestock Show. Ty has also been doing well in both school and football and participated in his school’s Ag Olympics.
Ty sent us his business plan for the Houston Livestock and Rodeo’s initial assessment. We thought it was so Amazing, that we knew we had to share it with you!
- What is your expected outcome with this project?
I hope to purchase a heifer that I can show this year, breed and then show her and her calf next year. I plan on choosing a heifer that will be the foundation of a small beef cattle herd that I want to start. I plan on breeding, showing and raising cattle for FFA students like myself. I also hope that I will do well with my heifer in the show ring at any shows that I take her to.
- List your strengths that will assist you in working toward your expected outcome.
I am hardworking and dedicated which will help working with my heifer daily and taking care of all her needs. I am a quick learner which will help learning all that I need to know about raising and caring for my heifer since I have never raised a heifer before. I have a great support system with my parents and my Ag teachers, Mr. Hughes and Ms. Lewandowski to make sure that I stay on task, care for my heifer and answer any questions that I might have with my heifer.
- Are there any future plans with this project after the HLSR Scramble Show? If yes, please explain.
I am hardworking and dedicated which will help working with my heifer daily and taking care of all her needs. I am a quick learner which will help learning all that I need to know about raising and caring for my heifer since I have never raised a heifer before. I have a great support system with my parents and my Ag teachers, Mr. Hughes and Ms. Lewandowski to make sure that I stay on task, care for my heifer and answer any questions that I might have with my heifer.
- What do you hope to gain from your participation in the HLSR Calf Scramble Program?
I hope to gain better organization skills and record keeping skills while tracking all my progress with my scramble heifer. I also hope to gain knowledge about Brahman cattle from care, breeding, health, pedigrees, and general cattle knowledge. I plan on becoming an Ag teacher and I will use all that learn to share my experience in the calf scramble program with students. I also hope to gain lasting friendships with the other scramblers that I have met through the scramble program this year. I also hope to gain better writing skills from all the reports and monthly letters that I will be sending about my progress to my scramble donor.