Final Update from our 2018 Calf Scramble Sponsees
Wow! How has this year gone by so fast? We’re wrapping up our 2018 sponsorships with Ty and Skye. Our team had the pleasure of meeting both our sponsees at the RodeoHouston Calf Scramble Awards breakfast.
In our last letter from Ty, he expressed how Amazing his entire experience was. The entire process was a lot of hard work, filled with some ups and downs, but absolutely and completely rewarding.

February was quite a busy month for Ty, starting with the San Antonio Livestock Show. Ty went to the show almost solo, bringing his mom for support. Big Mama performed very nicely, but the judges had some concern about her body depth. Ty, knowing about the feeding issues she’s been having, took the feedback in strides and became even more “moo-tivated” to show his ewe lamb, Sugar. Sugar and Ty placed 6th in his class of 16 and we couldn’t be prouder of either of them!
Wishing Our 2018 Calf Scramble Sponsees Well
We’re exceptionally proud of both Skye and Ty for their hard work this year. We’ll miss hearing their updates each month, but know both of these fine individuals will be successful in all their future endeavors. We hope to keep in touch with both Skye and Ty and wish them the best of luck!