Homecoming Traditions in Texas
Homecoming is such a big part of every Fall semester in High School. Homecoming in Texas involves the giving of mums (gigantic corsage-type-thing featuring a chrysanthemum). This tradition is generally only practiced in Texas and if you’re a newcomer to our great state, there are a few things you might want to know about our crafty Homecoming tradition.
The Most Famous Homecoming Tradition In Texas: Texas Homecoming Mums
It may surprise you to learn this Texas tradition didn’t, in fact, start in Texas! It is generally recognized that the Homecoming tradition originated at the University of Missouri around 1911. It took a little more than two decades for the flower to make their way into our great state of Texas. Not too long after this tradition hit it off, Texas boys started giving mums to their homecoming dates in the form of corsages. Over the decades, these mums stayed fairly simple, that is until the amazing 1990s.
The Glammed-Up 90s Mums to The Mammoth Mums of Today!

In the 1990s, homecoming mums started to become more elaborate and eventually grew to the mammoth size they are today. Now they include a huge silk flower, tons of large ribbons, charms, bows, bells, cowbells, stuffed animals, perhaps the high school mascot, and even LED lights in some cases! Everything really is bigger in Texas!
Today, you’ll see gals wearing their homecoming mums around their necks because they are just too Texas-sized amazing to wear anywhere else. Typically, the mums are as wide as the girl’s shoulders and go down past her waist. Girls aren’t the only ones that get in on the action. Guys also wear smaller mums on their arms called garters. Normally they’re made to match the mum that the girl was wearing.
The tradition is for the guy to give his date a mum. For the most part, guys get them either by A) asking their Mom to make one, or B) buying one from a professional mum maker (yes they exist).
Join this favorite Homecoming Tradition in Texas and Make Your Own Texas Homecoming Mum
It’s relatively straightforward to make your won Texas Homecoming mum. If you’re not in Texas, the supplies needed can be ordered online. Start with your basic mum – these artificial flowers with bow will serve as the base for your creation. After you’ve secured your mum, you’ll attach ribbons and bows galore to the head of the mum. It’s tradition to use school colors in your design, feature braided ribbons, and even include words on the ribbon such as “homecoming”. From there, trinkets are infused into the mum an on the ribbon. Lots of times, you’ll see some kind of stuffed animal (like a bear), keychains, and shout outs to different groups or activities.
Mums aren’t complicated, but not everyone is crafty enough to make their own. In reality, the stuff you need to make them doesn’t cost much, but some people want to skip the hassle and just pay for a pre-made mum. These can range from $60–$300.
More Amazing Homecoming Traditions in Texas
Aside from the giant mums, Homecoming in Texas is much like everywhere else in the United States. There are week long celebrations leading up to the Homecoming football game. Typically, these involve spirited pep rallies, wearing themed outfits to school each day, bonfires, and even fireworks. And, of course, there is normally a Homecoming Dance where high schoolers get gussied up and dance the night away.