
Make an Amazing Impact this Earth Day: How to Recycle Electronics

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Earth Day Recylcing

Post update: Important CompuCycle Update

CompuCycle has regretfully removed Amazing Spaces as a drop off location under their services.  From August 2017 moving forward, all Amazing Spaces properties will be unable to access electronic recycling items.  As of December 2016, Amazing Spaces’ five Houston locations collected a combined total of 404,679 lbs. of electronic waste keeping extremely harmful materials out of our landfills and streams.  CompuCycle will accept your electronic waste at their own drop-off locations moving forward.  Find a CompuCycle location near you. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Let’s keep Earth Amazing

It’s our responsibility to take care of our planet, one choice at a time.  We’re particularly aware of this on Earth Day.  Earth Day was created to remind us to protect our environment and be aware of the environmental issues our planet faces every day.

We know the most obvious way we make an impact on the environment is the way we dispose of items.  Most of us are aware how to dispose of the standard items, such as plastic bottles or paper products. One of the most difficult things to dispose of are electronic devices.  One solution is to take these items to donation or resales shops.  However, these stores do not accept all kinds items.  Additionally, certain items contain so much personal data, that it may be unwise to simply drop it off at a 2nd hand store.  So what are you left with?  How do you get rid of that 1995 computer without hurting the planet?

CompuCycle: The Easy Electronic Recycling Solution

Amazing Spaces is proud to offer free CompuCycle drop off spots at each of its five locations.  Simply drop off your electronic waste at one of our Amazing properties and you’re on your way to helping make our planet a better place.  Amazing Spaces is not compensated for any of these services: we provide the space, service, and support for free to give back to our community.  This service is offered year-round; you are invited to drop off your electronics anytime!

What can you recycle?

We’ve outlined the full list of items you can and cannot recycle on our Free Electronics Recycling information page.  Share this page and its Amazing information with your friends and neighbors: we’ll take as much e-waste as we can fit into the space!

Is it safe to recycle electronics?

Like Amazing Spaces, your security is CompuCycle’s priority.  All hard rives and data media received will be destroyed in their shredder.  Once the items are shredded, there is no possibility of data recovery. That means your information stays secure.

Are you a commercial business?

CompuCycle can pick up your equipment daily!  Schedule your pick up by calling 713-869-6700.  CompuCycle even provides certificate of recycling so you can have proof of your responsible removal of e-waste. They also offer Certificates of Destruction for items that may contain sensitive information, which meet a variety of legal requirements for data disposal. Learn more about commercial business e-waste recycling.

Ready to drop off some electronics? Find an Amazing Spaces location near you!

Earth Day Recycling Image

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